How to Make a Dental Landing Page For Google Ads That Converts

Dental Landing Page That Converts

This post was originally published October 16, 2019, and updated May 7, 2023.

Trying to attract new patients to your dental clinic with Google Ads but getting no results? Worry not! We've got some great news for you! A well-designed dental landing page with your Google ad can help you convert visitors into patients.

One of the most common mistakes we see with Google Ads campaigns is sending people to a generic home page or a general services page. That's like pulling teeth without anesthesia - no one enjoys it.

Today, we’ll explain why a dedicated dental landing page for Google Ads can affect your Quality Scores. You’ll also learn exactly what your landing page should contain to get those potential patients lining up outside your door.

So, let's get started!

Please note, this post discusses the traditional Google Ads that most people are familiar with. If you want to learn more about the newer ad type, Local Service Ads, please read this post: Setting Up Local Service Ads for Dentists [+FREE CHECKLIST].

What is a Dental Landing Page?

A dental landing page is a standalone page created specifically to collect leads or conversions from Google Ads traffic. Its goal is to entice visitors to take a specific action, such as filling out a form or making an appointment. 

Unlike a homepage or service page, a landing page has no navigation, distractions, or other calls to action. It exists solely to convert visitors into leads or patients.

Why Are Dental Landing Pages Important?

You may be scratching your head and wondering,

"Why bother with dental landing pages? Can't I just send people to my website's homepage?"

Here's the deal: if you want to supercharge your conversions and bring in more patients, you need a tailor-made dental landing page for your specific ads.

Dental landing pages are important because they can significantly impact the success of your Google Ads campaign. A high-quality landing page can help you to:

Increase conversion rates

You can significantly increase your conversion rates by creating a landing page to convert visitors into patients.

Improve ad relevance

Google Ads rewards advertisers who create relevant ads and landing pages by giving them a higher Quality Score. A high-Quality Score can lower costs per click and higher ad rankings.

Boost your ROI

By increasing your conversion rates and lowering your costs per click, a high-quality dental landing page can help you to get a better return on investment (ROI) from your Google Ads campaign. You'll be able to spend less on ads while generating more leads and patients.

Just check out these jaw-dropping statistics:

  • You can boost your conversions by up to 202% with personalized CTAs
  • Applying A/B testing can increase conversions by a whopping 816%
  • Having more than 40 landing pages can generate 12x more leads

We're not saying you need to create a dozen landing pages overnight, but it's important to have a separate landing page for each service you advertise.

For example, if you're promoting dental implants, you need a landing page that explains their benefits, explains how they work, and includes real testimonials from happy patients.

We know you're busy filling cavities and fighting tooth decay, but trust us - creating focused landing pages is worth the effort. After all, what's the point of running ads if people need help finding the offer they're interested in?

So, keep reading to discover how landing pages for Google ads can work wonders for your practice.

How Dental Landing Pages Affect Google Ads Quality Scores

Google Ads Quality Score is a rating system that Google uses to evaluate the quality and relevance of your ads, keywords, and landing pages.

Relevance is the most important factor in dental landing pages. Your landing page should be highly relevant to the keywords and ads you target.

This means using the same language and messaging in your ad and landing page, as well as optimizing the landing page for specific keywords.

By improving the relevance of your landing page, you can improve your Quality Score, which can lead to a lower cost per click and a higher ad position.

The Google Ads Quality Score considers a few things:

  • Your Ad Rank
  • Your ad's CTR (click-through rate)
  • The quality of your landing page

And let's be honest, that last one is the most important, right?

To get a high-Quality Score, your landing page needs to be crystal clear, relevant to the ad, and super easy to navigate. Think of it like getting an A+ on your dental exam - you want to show Google that your landing page is top-notch and worth showing off.

So, keep in mind that the Google Ads Quality Score is like the GPA of your ads. The better your landing page, the higher your score, and the better your chance of getting your ad in front of potential patients.

What Dentists Need to Include on Their Landing Pages

If you're planning to create a dental landing page for your Google Ads campaign, there are some guidelines you need to follow.

There are a few qualities that your dental landing page must have. It must be:

  • Your landing page should target the same audience as your ad
  • Ensure your page is highly relevant to the search terms used and clutter-free
  • And here's a super important tip: Ensure your landing page features the same offer you used in your ad. That means using the exact keywords and prices.

If your landing page doesn't match the offer in your ad, potential patients might think they've been tricked and peace out before even giving you a chance.

Here’s an example of a matching landing page:

So, you saw an ad for a $69 New Patient Dentist Visit and clicked on it. And guess what? The landing page you landed on delivers exactly what it promised! The offer is front and center, ready to take advantage of.

The page is explicitly tailored to new patients like you. It has all the details about what you can expect at your first appointment, including all the equipment and techniques the dentist will use to give you a sparkling smile.

And if you're wondering who this fabulous dentist is, they've got you covered. They've included information about her education and all the awards she's won, so you know you're in good hands.

So, what's the secret to making a landing page like this work? Keep everything directly relevant to the offer you're promoting and make sure it speaks to the same audience as your ad.

That's the key to turning curious clickers into loyal patients!

Important Dental Landing Page Elements

Interested in knowing what makes a successful dental landing page? The following are some key elements to include:

A Compelling Headline

You want to grab the reader's attention with a headline that clearly communicates the value of your services. Use robust and action-oriented language that emphasizes the benefits of choosing your practice.

A Clear Call to Action

Make sure your call to action (CTA) is easy to find and tells the reader exactly what to do next. Use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency to encourage visitors to take action.

Smile-Worthy Photos

People love to see happy, smiling faces, so include a photo or two of your happy patients. It's a great way to show off your work and build trust with potential patients.

Social Proof

Use testimonials, reviews, and case studies to demonstrate your expertise as a dentist. This will give potential patients an idea of what they can expect from your practice.

Contact Information

Include your phone number, email address, and a contact form on your landing page to make it easy for patients to reach out.

Show Off Your Logo

Your dental practice logo should be prominently displayed at the top of your page. Let visitors know whose page they're on!

Mobile-Optimized Design

In today's world, almost everyone's on their phones. Make sure your landing page is easy to navigate on mobile devices. Keep it clean and neat with plenty of white space.

Opt-In Forms Made Easy

Make it easy for visitors to fill out your opt-in form by only asking for the info you really need. Keep it simple.

Trust Symbols

Include trust symbols, such as the BBB logo or a dental or civic organization award. These will show visitors you're trustworthy and dedicated to caring for their teeth.

How to Make a Dental Landing Page for Google Ads

Creating a Google Ads dental landing page that converts requires design, copywriting, and optimization. Here's how to make a dental landing page for Google Ads that will draw more patients to your dental practice:

Step 1: Choose a Landing Page Builder

Choose a landing page builder that suits your needs and budget. Some popular landing page builders include Unbounce, Leadpages, Instapage, and ClickFunnels.

Step 2: Create a Wireframe

Create a wireframe or mockup of the landing page to help visualize the layout and content. A wireframe can be created using tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, or Figma.

Step 3: Write Compelling Copy

Write a copy that’s clear, concise, and compelling. Highlight the practice's unique selling points and benefits, and include a killer CTA.

Step 4: Design the Page

Design the page using the wireframe as a guide. Use high-quality images and videos that showcase the practice's services and facilities.

Step 5: Optimize the Landing Page Form

The main aim of a paid search landing page for your dental clinic is to attract more clients. The whole experience matters, but having an effective sign-up form is crucial. It should look nice, be quick, and easy to fill out. Remove any hurdles and extra fields. Make it simple by auto-filling some fields to increase sign-ups.

Step 6: Add Tracking and Analytics

Add lead (form and call) tracking and analytics to the landing page to measure its performance. Use tools like Google Analytics or Hotjar to track visitor behavior and identify areas for improvement.

Step 7: Test and Optimize

Use A/B testing to compare different landing page versions and identify which elements are working and which need improvement. Test different headlines, images, and CTAs to find the best combination that resonates with your target audience.

Step 8: Launch and Monitor

Once your landing page is designed and optimized, launch it and start monitoring its performance. Monitor your analytics and make necessary changes to improve your results.

Google Ads Dentist Landing Page Examples

To give you an idea of what a successful dentist landing page looks like, here are three examples:

Kennewick Dental's landing page showcases its awards and recognitions, including exclusive offers for new patients.

Dental Landing Page Example: Kennewick Dental Landing Page

Kirkland Family Dentistry's landing page is designed to appeal to visitors looking for a new dentist in the Kirkland area. The headline is catchy and emphasizes the practice's commitment to providing quality dental care. They also make it easy to schedule an appointment and provide additional information on services and patient reviews.

Dental Landing Page Example: Kirkland Family Dentistry Landing Page

McComb Orthodontics had a landing page created for an invisalign in Culver City Google Ads campaign. It is designed to attract new patients by highlighting the practice's expertise and personalized approach to orthodontics. They also make it easy to schedule a consultation. Plus, there's lots of helpful information on services and patient reviews.

Landing page for orthodontist

Dental Implant Landing Page

The dental implant landing page from Laredo Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is an excellent example of a well-designed and effective landing page. The page uses a dentist image and concise copy targeting patients who need dental implants. There are two simple options to contact Dr. Britton by filling out the form or calling him.

Dental Implant Landing Page Example: Laredo Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Invisalign Landing Page

The Invisalign landing page from Kirkland Family Dentistry is another excellent example of a clean design with a transparent price. The page includes a phone number, an opt-in form, and dentist achievements.

Invisalign-Dental-Landing-PageDentist Landing Page Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about dental landing pages:

Should a dentist landing page have navigation?

No, your dentist landing page should not have navigation. It can distract visitors from the main call to action and decrease conversion rates. 

Moreover, a recent study by HubSpot showed that removing navigation links from your landing pages could increase your chances of people booking appointments with you.

You're making it easier for patients to focus on the content on your landing page and take action, such as scheduling an appointment or filling out a contact form.

How often should a dentist update their landing page?

Depending on your goals and the performance of your landing page, every few months. This can include updating information on services, pricing, qualifications, adding new pictures, etc. Ensure the changes are evidence-based and not just done on a whim.

If you’re not seeing an increasing number of visitors turning into your patients from your dentist landing page, it’s time to make some changes.

Attract Patients with Quality Google Ads Dental Landing Page

Creating a killer Google Ads dental landing page doesn't have to be complicated. Follow the key elements from this blog post, and you'll be ready to attract more patients and grow your practice. And if you need help creating a Google Ads landing page that's sure to impress, don't worry. Titan Web Agency can help with a landing page design that converts!

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