How Doctors Can Find Effective Guest Post Opportunities

Guest blogging is an important way doctors can improve their search engine rankings and promote their brand online. Guest blog posts published on relevant, high-authority websites will get you valuable links back to your website, and also serve as an opportunity to demonstrate your medical expertise online. Read on to learn the best strategies for finding high-quality guest blog post opportunities for doctors.

Target high-authority sites

When searching for guest post opportunities, you don’t want to submit to just any old website that will accept your article. You want to publish posts on authoritative medical websites that Google holds in high esteem. Specifically, doctors should try to publish on websites that have a high rank in terms of the following metrics:

  • Google Page Rank
  • MozRank
  • Ahrefs Rank
  • AlexaRank

To get you started, this Effective Business Ideas blog post has a useful list of health blogs that accept guest posts, and it includes the MozRank, Google PageRank, and AlexaRank of each site.

A few medical websites that accept blog posts include The Blogging Doctors , and The Dental Geek.

Health professionals who publish on the high-authority guest blogging health website The Blogging Doctors get to include a link to their website, as well as a bio with a headshot, and links to their social media profiles.

Target your specific niche

In addition to seeking out blogging opportunities on high-authority general medical blogs like, doctors should also look for blogging opportunities in their specific niche of medicine. This gets you highly relevant backlinks and will also help build your online authority in your specific field.

For example, as I discuss in a guest post I wrote for Orca Health (no longer up) on online marketing strategies for healthcare professionals, dentists can contact relevant local dentistry-related websites and ask them if they’d be interested in an original article. Another example of a niche doctor guest post opportunity would be The Lupus Guru, a blog where doctors who treat autoimmune diseases such as lupus can submit guest blog posts (this blog has since been shuttered).

You can think of niche in terms of locality (doctors in Atlanta, Georgia), specific type of medical service offered (ophthalmologists), or both (ophthalmologists in Georgia). You may not always be able find a “blog” dedicated to your specific niche or locality, but think more in terms of medical associations or other websites and online publications relevant to your industry.

Join guest-blogging communities

If manually hunting around for guest blog post opportunities isn’t bearing much fruit, or you want to start guest blogging at a higher volume, you can join one or several guest-blogging communities. Using one of these guest blogging “hubs,” you can find multiple doctor guest posting opportunities in one spot online.

Some of these guest-blogging communities include:

These guest blogging portals are not medical-specific, but you can still use them to connect with guest blogging opportunities for health and medical topics. Guest-blogging communities are an excellent and time-saving way to find many guest blogging opportunities as part of your overall content marketing strategy.

On Guestr, guest blogging opportunities are listed by category, making it easy to connect with blogs in your niche. (Image source)

Conclusion — Guest Blogging Is Part of a Good Content Marketing Strategy for Doctors

Guest blogging is a highly effective piece of a well thought out healthcare content marketing strategy that improves your doctors SEO, branding, and overall web presence.

However, guest blogging takes time. Not only do you have to search for guest blogging opportunities, but you also need to actually research and write the actual blog posts! And on top of all that, you of course also need to keep your own blog up to date. Many doctors find that they need some assistance with blogging for content marketing. If this sounds like you, be sure to pick up the guide below.

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