Three Reasons You Should Use Postcards to Market Your Business

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Not using postcard marketing? These three reasons may make you reconsider.

Postcards you say? Ya Postcards, they can be an extremely effective method of getting your message in front of potential customers. You can design postcards that are vibrant, high-impact creations with graphics so real that it seems to be jumping off the page at you. Let’s talk about them...

1. Quick and to the Point

Let's be honest, people just don't have time to sort through a lot of advertisements and junk mail. The vast majority of mail that even looks like an ad get’s tossed and isn’t even looked at.

But, postcards get read! No need to open it, and the message is "in your face" without exerting any effort to absorb it. Even if the recipient isn't trying to read it, they’ll get the impact of the short message before he tosses it. If you have a eye catching, thought provoking headline? Even better!

2. Easy and Economical

There are many websites that you can use for printing your postcards. Got Print is one of them. They make it as easy as possible for you and even have an option to mail them for you.

Be sure to go with a 4x6 postcard so it sticks out just a bit form the rest of the mail.

Another advantage is that the postage for a postcard is cheaper! You can mail a postcard for $.33. Compare that with a direct mail letter which is $.49. While letters can be an extremely effective form of direct mail marketing, if you are doing a large amount, say 500 or 1000 then postcards will come out significantly cheaper and most likely get ‘read’ more.

As an added benefit, you often don't even have to bother with putting them in the mail. Many print warehouses will take care of it for you. Easy as pie.

3. Keep Marketing Messages Fairly Private

I’ve had many small business owners complain to me that after they have come up with a good marketing bigstock-Marketing-concept-torn-newspap-43442689campaign or good offer, their competitors copy it. That can be pretty frustrating, but there isn’t much you can do about it. Pretty much any online marketing you do, or newspaper or TV ads are just screaming ‘copy me’.

Postcards are private interactions. The only person who sees it is the person who receives it. It's a one-on-one campaign that lets you keep the results quiet from prying eyes. Chances are, they won't even know what you're doing, much less how to copy it.

Here’s another sneak tactic that I haven't mentioned yet... using postcards to direct traffic to your Website. Most of us think we need to use Internet marketing tools to drive up our Internet sales. NOT SO! That's what everyone else is doing, but think about it. A postcard with your slogan and visible information that directs the reader to your Website... yeah, let's hope the competition doesn't catch on for quite a while!

Remember, it is extremely important to diversify your marketing efforts. A good marketing plan is a diverse marketing plan. Common marketing techniques include small business SEO, local listing optimization, Pay Per Click and more. Remember to test, test, and test some more. If at first you fail, try, try again.




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