What type of social media is your business using? Hopefully by now, you understand the importance of social media in improving your presence online. For clients just getting started with social media, I usually recommend starting with Facebook. For a refresher on how to get started with Facebook, you can read this post.
Let’s talk about how you can use Facebook Ads (or PPC) in order to improve your following and effectiveness.
The concept is really quite simple. You can create an ad a few different ways. You can have a promoted post, which will be a post that shows up in the status updates or you can have an ad that shows up on the right side of the page.
One of the nice advantages of Facebook ads is that you can select only your target demographic to view your ads. So, if you want women ages 40-54 to view your ads that live in San Diego, CA that are interested in
weight loss, you can do this. So, it can be extremely targeted, which is what you want when advertising.
Another way you can advertise is by promoting a post. You may have noticed that Facebook tells you how many people have seen your post. Of course, the more eyeballs the better. It seems like now, only about 5-10% of your followers will see your post unless you promote it. If you promote your post ($5-$10) you can get a lot of eyes on it. How many? It all depends on how many fans you have, and how many friends your fans have. It is a great way though to get additional fans. Consider promoting some of your better posts or graphics.
Facebook advertising is a great way to get started with PPC. Just like any other form of marketing, be sure you are testing everything for effectiveness and then only run those things that are most effective.